Skin Check
Have you had a recent skin check for skin cancer and Melanoma ? All Skin Check are at a cost of $125 with a rebate of $79.70, they are no longer under Bulk Billing.
Melanoma is a disease of the skin in which cancer cells are found in the cells that colour the skin. While this cancer is usually found in adults, it is occasionally found in younger people. If a mole or pigmented area doesn’t look normal, your doctor at ERA Doctors can remove it for you under a local anesthetic and send it off to be tested. This is extremely important as early detection means that your doctor can treat anything that looks suspicious earlier.

You should see your doctor if you have any of the following warning signs of melanoma: change in the size, shape, or colour of a mole; oozing or bleeding from a mole; or a mole that feels itchy, hard, lumpy, swollen, or tender to the touch. Melanoma can also appear on the body as a new mole. Screening the body for melanoma can potentially lead to earlier diagnosis, thinner tumours and less chance of death from the cancer. If you want to have your skin checked, the doctor’s at ERA Doctors are most definitely the best people to see as they will know your full history and can provide follow-up care. If you have been treated for skin cancer it is a good idea to have your skin checked by your doctor on a regular basis.
All consults and procedures are mixed billing, but All Skin Check are at a cost of $125 with a rebate of $79.70 and they are no longer under Bulk Billing. speak to your Doctor on the day .
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